Other Structures

  • A type-erased Codable value.

    The AnyCodable type forwards encoding and decoding responsibilities to an underlying value, hiding its specific underlying type.

    You can encode or decode mixed-type values in dictionaries and other collections that require Encodable or Decodable conformance by declaring their contained type to be AnyCodable.

    See also


    See also



    public struct AnyCodable : Codable
  • A type-erased Decodable value.

    The AnyDecodable type forwards decoding responsibilities to an underlying value, hiding its specific underlying type.

    You can decode mixed-type values in dictionaries and other collections that require Decodable conformance by declaring their contained type to be AnyDecodable:

    let json = """
        "boolean": true,
        "integer": 1,
        "double": 3.14159265358979323846,
        "string": "string",
        "array": [1, 2, 3],
        "nested": {
            "a": "alpha",
            "b": "bravo",
            "c": "charlie"
    """.data(using: .utf8)!
    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
    let dictionary = try! decoder.decode([String: AnyCodable].self, from: json)


    public struct AnyDecodable : Decodable
  • A type-erased Encodable value.

    The AnyEncodable type forwards encoding responsibilities to an underlying value, hiding its specific underlying type.

    You can encode mixed-type values in dictionaries and other collections that require Encodable conformance by declaring their contained type to be AnyEncodable:

    let dictionary: [String: AnyEncodable] = [
        "boolean": true,
        "integer": 1,
        "double": 3.14159265358979323846,
        "string": "string",
        "array": [1, 2, 3],
        "nested": [
            "a": "alpha",
            "b": "bravo",
            "c": "charlie"
    let encoder = JSONEncoder()
    let json = try! encoder.encode(dictionary)


    public struct AnyEncodable : Encodable